in 月季年
on 某一天
at 某時點
in > 1天
👉🏻In the summer I like to go to the beach to play in the water.(在”夏天”時我喜歡去海邊玩水🏖)
👉🏻 I'm turning 20 in August.(我即將在”8月”滿20歲🎂)
on = 1天
👉🏻 My birthday is on October 7th.(我的”生日”在10月7日♎️)
👉🏻 I'm going to the gym on Mondays and Thursdays.(我”星期一”和”星期四”要去健身房🏋️)
at < 1天
👉🏻 Please don’t call me at night.(請勿在”晚上”打電話給我☎️)
👉🏻 I leave home at 7am to go to school.(我早上”7點”離開家去上學🎒)
✅In the morning (在早上)
✅In the afternoon (在下午)
✅In the evening (在傍晚)
👉🏻 I have an important meeting in the afternoon.(我”下午”有一個重要的會議)
👉🏻 It may rain heavily in the evening.(“晚上”或許會下大雨☔️)
🔍 你們都學會了嗎?
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