英文補給站|高嫚小小日誌 第8/14則 蒸茄子夾絞肉 Steamed Eggplant with Ground Pork

 高嫚小小日誌 第8/14則 蒸茄子夾絞肉 Steamed Eggplant with Ground Pork

Steamed Eggplant with Ground Pork

I steamed eggplant stuffed with meat using an electric cooker, unsure of the required time.

To avoid overcooking, I just pierced the eggplant a few times with a small fork to check for doneness.

Oh yeah!

For the first time in my life,

I successfully steamed eggplant stuffed with minced pork and barbecue sauce using an electric cooker!

Everyone can give it a try with an electric cooker!

By the way, remember to mix the minced meat with barbecue sauce and black pepper beforehand.

It tastes delicious without any additional seasoning after baking.

第8/14則 蒸茄子夾碎肉









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Let's create two English sentences daily and watch our English proficiency naturally flourish!





NO.1 Jennifer 第5/14則
NO.2 Amy Liu 第4/14則
NO.3 小丸子 第3/14則
趕快點擊 ​https://reurl.cc/gayrq7

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